Grow where you’re planted.
The Greystone Way
Rigorous study. Daily prayers. Joyful feasting. Liturgical vision. At Greystone, we are committed to serious theological formation for the craft of faithful Reformed life, theology, & ministry. Greystone pursues confessional Reformed theological and ministerial cultivation in and for the Church. If that sounds like the way it used to be, it is. Greystone makes old ways new. Get to know us. We’d love to welcome you to the Greystone way. Learn more below.
In the confessional Reformed tradition, to be Reformed is to be “Reformed catholic.” In the ascended Lord Jesus Christ, the diversity of his Body is united by the Spirit across history in mysterious but fruitful harmony and serves our maturation as a Body. We ask not whether the Church—so defined—matters to our ministry and theology, but whether our ministry and theology matter to the Church.
Reformed Catholicity
At Greystone, we see theology’s subject as God himself, and not as a means to any other end. Theology belongs to the realm of the creature’s responsive speech, the “amen” of the Church’s liturgical glorification of God. We thus pursue theological formation for its own good before God’s face in rightly ordered and wise relation to all his Word and works—that is, theological formation as craftsmanship.
Doxological Craftsmanship
At Greystone, the Church is the context of personal and theological formation, and that formation is a whole-person and communal endeavor. Worship forms a people and wisdom is cultivated, not acquired on a transcript. Therefore, the proper context of theological and ministerial formation is a structured apprenticeship and mentorship under faithful ministers in the fellowship of the saints.
Guided Mentorship

Greystone Theological Institute is an innovative and collaborative effort in theological formation in the mode of confessional Reformed catholicity. Through academic rigor and the communal rhythms of daily prayers, reading and study, conversation, and feasting, we aim to make “old ways new” in service of long-term usefulness to the Lord of the Church and world.
The Culture of Theology
Against the trends of our time, Greystone continues the Church’s commitment to serious ministerial training in the biblical and the Church’s languages, and trains generous, critical readers of scholarship old and new. But we commend nothing less than an entire culture of theological and ministerial labor, not just doctrines and skills. We aim for the churchly ecosystem in which faithful theology and worship are one. Greystone thus weaves together elements ordinarily found apart: rigorous study, a rare commitment to structured personal mentorship, daily prayers, feasting, and fellowship. In this vital, lively environment, we seek to recover the place of communal, conversational, and liturgical life as the nutrient-rich soil of true theological fruitfulness.

“But I pass by all such matters and the elaborate ornaments of profane oratory; and I take no account of style or of delivery; even if a man’s diction be poor and his composition simple and unadorned, let him not be unskilled in the knowledge and accurate statement of doctrine; nor in order to hide his own sloth, deprive that holy apostle [Paul] of the greatest of his gifts, and the sum of his praises.”
- Chrysostom
Greystone Resources
Besides our full courses, certificates, collaborative degree programs, and special events, Greystone maintains Wince + Sing, our blog; supports continued study and theological formation through our podcast, Greystone Conversations; and offers theological resources on gender, family, and ordered relations through The Lydia Center for Women and Families.
Wince+Sing is the official blog of Greystone Theological Institute. W+S provides biblical and theological resources for Christian scholarship, education, and devotion—all from a perspective consonant with and expressive of a comprehensive catholic and deeply Reformed, confessional Christian faith.
Greystone Conversations is the podcast of Greystone Theological Institute. We invite you to join us as we explore brief Scripture and theology studies, share interviews, discuss texts old and new, and listen in on Greystone special lecture events and selections from full Greystone course modules.
Through advanced courses, special lectures, workshops, symposia, and active research, the Lydia Center for Women and Families provides resources for church officers and lay Christians who seek to navigate contemporary questions in gender, family, and ecclesiastical life in fruitful submission to Holy Scripture.