Greystone Fort Worth/Dallas

 Greystone Fort Worth/Dallas is based at Grace Community Presbyterian Church in North Fort Worth. Located near Highway 35W, Grace Community is about 15 minutes from Downtown Fort Worth, 25 minutes from Denton, and 45 minutes from Dallas. The Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex is the fourth largest metropolitan area in the United States, consisting of the country’s 9th and 13th largest cities. The allure of its diversity and economic stability has made DFW the fastest growing metropolitan area in the United States. With no signs of this expansion letting up any time soon, God is making the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex an ever-expanding field ripe for harvest.

Community Director

Dr. Jared Brown
Greystone Instructor
in NT Greek

Community Mentors

Rev. Kyle Oliphint

Rev. Andrew Sarnicki

Community Location


Greystone Fort Worth/Dallas is led by Director Dr. Jared Brown and pastors Rev. Kyle Oliphint and Rev. Andrew Sarnicki. Dr. Brown leads in administrative and instructional capacities, and is a Greystone Instructor in Biblical Languages. Rev. Oliphint and Rev. Sarnicki provide students with a unique mentorship that is focused on Christ-centered preaching and biblical counseling. Together Rev. Oliphint and Rev. Sarnicki bring decades of pastoral experience and many hours of counseling to their roles as mentors. Grace Community Presbyterian Church is led by a Session that emphasizes shepherding the flock. Grace Community is a warm and welcoming body of believers.

Features of Greystone Fort Worth/Dallas

Grace Community Presbyterian Church provides students with ample space to learn and fellowship. The property includes multiple classrooms, a fellowship hall, a kitchen, and a spacious outdoor area with a gazebo. Students who join Greystone Fort Worth/Dallas are expected to become formally affiliated with Grace Community and take advantage of the many different opportunities to serve and participate in the vibrant life of the church.

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