The 2023 Greystone Winter Feast

“The entire night, feast brimmed with warmth and mirth. Fellow saints shared an exquisite meal around a common table and worshipped their Heavenly Lord with song. It was—even if for just an evening—the perfect picture of Greystone's work: to be a light in our dark and confusing world.”

This month, Greystone marked God’s faithfulness through the times and seasons of the last year with our annual Winter Feast, the continuation of a lively tradition in which we aim to encourage this way of life as a Greystone-wide phenomenon. (See some photos below). Greystone friends joined one another for laughter, conversation, and many unplanned moments of revelry, standing together at table to belt out the "Boar's Head Carol" as the pig, "Longview," completed his life's journey from a local farm through our kitchen to our table, regally resting on his platter-bed. We joined together in the first ever singing of the Greystone Parting Song, sang many other psalms and hymns, feasted on delicious steak and salmon and soup paired with specially selected wine, enjoyed wonderful Manhattans, celebrated reports of what the Lord is doing for and through Greystone, caught up with old Greystone friends, made new ones, and shared God's mercies and grace in life, home, ministry, and community. We considered, with song and psalm, the deep goodness of God the Creator and generous Father, and did so with the warmth of Christian devotion that melts the harshest winter chill. We stopped to celebrate the Gospel heartily together in a world and in a time pierced through with many sorrows, frozen with fear and loneliness. Here on this night, in Greystone's Longview Hall, there truly was no bleak midwinter.

At Greystone, we revel in the beauty of God's ordered creation and push hard against the haste and waste of modern life. This, and not only rigorous study and research, is the Greystone way. We routinely slow down with quality food and drink and extended table conversation, song, and laughter, believing that this habit helps strengthen and enrich our relationships to one another, to the texts and ideas we discuss, and to the God who has wisely made us the ways we are. Join the Greystone way, the Greystone fellowship of friends and partners by becoming a Greystone Member or supporting us today. Truly, your investment makes our work possible. Would you prayerfully consider joining our band of supporting brothers and sisters today?


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