The Greystone Certificate

Rigorous Study | Faithful Research | Guided Mentorship

The six-course and thesis Certificate (in Christian Dogmatics, Christian Tradition, or Holy Scripture) is Greystone’s main Certificate program, and along with our Lydia Center and MAP certificates below, it is a rigorous program designed for ministers and theological students who desire to gain specialist knowledge of the Christian Scriptures, theology, and history from the perspective of confessional Reformed catholicity. The Certificate is complementary to traditional seminary training for ministry and scholarship, and well suited for a range of students seeking continuing education, training for further research, or refreshment in theological study.

Particularly with its focus on training for further work in biblical, theological, and ethical studies, the Certificate functions in manner analogous to a Master of Theology (Th.M. or M.Th.) program in American and international institutions. The goal of the program is to foster and stimulate constructive theological thinking and multidisciplinary collaboration.

The Lydia Center’s
Certificate in Gender, Family, & Ministry

Featuring the following courses (plus an elective course):

  • Order of Reality: Time, Space, & Vocation

  • Reformed Catholicity

  • Theological Anthropology

  • Domestic Violence in Theology & Ministry

  • Nature, Sin & Grace in Gender Contexts

Certificate in Theological Anthropology & Craftmanship

Featuring the following courses (plus an elective course):

  • Order of Reality: Time, Space, & Vocation*

  • Ethics of Technology

  • Theological Anthropology

  • The Mechanical Arts in Scripture & Theology

  • Theology of the Body

  • Map 1: A Guided Reading Course

  • Map 2: The Mechanical Arts Event (x2)

  • *this course must be taken in-person.

Rigorous Study

Greystone course modules are offered across the range of biblical, theological, and historical studies, and taught by the Greystone Fellows and visiting lecturers.




Six Greystone Modules

2 Core Modules: “Reformed Catholicity” & “Order of Reality”

2 Concentration modules

2 Elective modules

Research Methods: Greystone “Tools & Instruments” Module

Reading facility in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin are recommended for all concentrations.

Faithful Research

Theological Formation for Faithful Service to The Church

Theological formation for its own sake is Greystone’s endeavor in Christian craftmanship. Such craftmanship is inherently expressed in humble service to others. For the Church, from her early days through the confessionalization of the Reformation traditions, theological formation was never intended to be simply an inward self-rewarding task, but rather an outward communal craft that was both nurtured in the church-context and produced faithful research that sought to nurture that Church. The Greystone Certificate is a conscious and earnest mode of theological formation that seeks to continue this aspect of theological formation. Therefore, One substantial, examined, high quality item of research output, comparable to a large module paper or a small ThM/MTh thesis, is required for satisfactory completion of the Program.

Guided Mentorship

At Greystone, the Church is the context of personal and theological formation, and that formation is a whole-person and communal endeavor. Worship forms a people and wisdom is cultivated, not acquired on a transcript. Therefore, the proper context of theological and ministerial formation is a structured apprenticeship and mentorship under faithful ministers in the fellowship of the saints.

The Greystone Certificate

Making old ways new.