Greystone Fellows

Greystone is led by a team of accomplished and dedicated Fellows who research or teach at the top of their respective fields. All are full-time academics or full-time clergy who also work regularly in an academic context. All Fellows and Lecturers sign a Statement of Confessional Adherence before teaching any course.

Dr. Mark A. Garcia

Fellow in Scripture
and Theology

Dr. Benjamin Burkholder

Fellow in Scripture
and Theology

Dr. Atria Larson

Fellow in Medieval Church History and Canon Law

Dr. Flavien Pardigon

Associate Fellow
in New Testament

Dr. Mark W. Graham

Fellow in Christianity and Late Antiquity

Dr. Mark Jones

Fellow in Theology
and History

Dr. Alan D. Strange

Fellow in Christian

Dr. Corneliu Simut

Associate Fellow
in Theology and History

Dr. Charles G. Kim, Jr.

Associate Fellow
in Christian Tradition

Dr. Ramona Simut

Associate Fellow
in Theology and Literature

Dr. Daniel Hyde
Associate Fellow
in Practical Theology

Dr. Lee Gatiss
Fellow in Church History
and Anglicanism

Mr. Jared Hayden
Associate Fellow,
Lydia Center/PTOB

Dr. Byron G. Curtis

Fellow in Old Testament

Dr. Jared Brown

Instructor in New Testament Greek

Dr. Robert Letham

Fellow in Theology
and History

Dr. Garry Williams

Fellow in Theology
and History

Mr. Joshua Klein

Associate Fellow in Mechanical Arts

Dr. William Dennison

Associate Fellow in Apologetics

Dr. Matthew Albanese

Associate Fellow
in Oriental Studies and Instructor in Biblical Hebrew

Mr. Michael Sacasas

Associate Fellow
in Ethics and Culture

“My attitude, as I teach you, is to remember and keep in mind my duties as a servant. As a result, I speak not as a master but as a minister, not to pupils but to fellow pupils, not to servants but to fellow servants.”
- Augustine

Greystone Staff

Alongside our academic specialists, Greystone is run by a small team of administrators and staff who lead the veritable beehive of Greystone’s operations and Greystone’s network of 40+ staff and volunteers across the world. Dr. Mark Garcia serves as President/CEO. Jessica Doerfel serves as Senior Vice President of Administration/COO and oversees all staff and operations. She can be reached by email with all questions related to Greystone. Cody Edds is our Director of Communications and serves as Greystone’s Learning Community Coordinator. For all web-related issues and inquiries, as well as information regarding the Greystone Learning Community network of friends, contact Cody. Amber Edds is Research Associate with Greystone’s Lydia Center for Women and Families, providing regular support for the Director and facilitating the research work that the Center does with Fellows and friends throughout the Greystone network. Jared Eckert is responsible for the beautiful graphic design work that enhances Greystone’s voice and presence. Tess Meyer is Executive Assistant and Office Manager for Greystone’s base of operations in Coraopolis, PA. The Rev. Jesse Crutchley assists the Institute in forming and strengthening relationships with our supporters and friends through development and advancement initiatives. Pastor Crutchley also serves as a member of Greystone’s Ministerial Council. Julia Haines assists her husband, the Rev. Philip Haines (Director of Greystone Cardiff, Wales), and provides administrative support for all matters for Greystone UK.

Cody S. Edds

Director of Communications and Institutional Coordination

Andrew Becham

Greystone Learning Community Coordinator

Julia Haines

Administrator of
Greystone UK

Jessica Doerfel

Senior Vice President
of Administration

Dr. Mark A. Garcia


Amber Edds

Research Associate with Greystone’s Lydia Center for Women and Families

Jesse Nigro

Stewardship Associate

Tess Meyer

Executive Assistant and Office Manager

Jared Hayden

Graphic Design and Research Associate with Greystone’s Lydia Center for Women and Families

The Rev. Jesse Crutchley

Advancement and Network Relations

Mr. Peter Chu

Coordinator, Greystone Morrison Center