The Christ of Reformed Catholicity

What does the sacramental table have to do with the confession of Lord Jesus Christ, and what do these have to do with Reformed catholicity? Today we're featuring a lecture given in Waco Texas called “The Christ of Reformed Catholicity” by Dr. Mark A. Garcia. In this lecture, Dr. Garcia seeks to answer these questions and more by focusing on two aspects of the liturgical life of the church: the confession of Lord Jesus Christ and the celebration of the Eucharist or the Lord's Supper. In much of the Church today, the weekly celebration of the Lord's Supper is often regarded as a peripheral matter--something, it is assumed, the scriptures do not speak to and the Reformed tradition has not been uniform on. If, however, the Church is fundamentally Eucharistic, perhaps this assumption should be reconsidered.

Today’s lecture looks to Ignatius of Antioch to help identify what came to distinguish theologically the Reformed tradition in the 16th century, an animus that today’s Church desperately needs to recover.

In what way might this help us regain a vibrant, powerful, and compelling vision of who the Church is in the world as we know it, and having answered that question, how we come to understand who the Christian is in light of the world disclosed by the gospel--the gospel made visible at the table even as it is also proclaimed from the pulpit?

To explore more of Greystone’s vision of Reformed catholicity, become a Greystone member today and register for Dr. Garcia’s class on Reformed Catholicity.



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