“on an age-old anvil wince and sing”
-Gerard Manley Hopkins
Wince+Sing is the official blog of Greystone Theological Institute. W+S provides biblical and theological resources for Christian scholarship, education, and devotion—all from a perspective consonant with and expressive of a comprehensive catholic and deeply Reformed, confessional Christian faith.
Domestic Violence and the Exodus as Paradigmatic Framework
This particular lecture considers how the Exodus serves as a paradigm for redemption in Christ and Christ's relationship to the Church, and therefore as a paradigm for the marriage relationship.
A Clean Union With the Levitical Woman
Leviticus 15 depicts intercourse and its physiology as a tabernacle scene. It places ordinary and proper sexual intercourse at the center (v. 18), and, as the chiastic structure makes clear, varying levels or degrees of impurity occupy the surrounding "areas" of that center just as in Israel's encampment and wilderness.
Getting the Atonement Right or Wrong: Reflections on the Imitation of Christ’s Sufferings and Its Limits
Removing substitutionary atonement, especially when we have biblical grounds for adopting it in the first place, is an unnecessary avenue to keep suffering from being a moral obligation in abusive relationships.
Texts & Studies: Cyril of Alexandria’s Assertions II-IV on the Trinity
Greystone Texts & Studies is a bi-weekly Members-only series of electronic and print publications of otherwise inaccessible historic and contemporary resources for Reformed theology, worship, and edification.
Penance and the Purpose of Law: A New Microcourse Resource
This microcourse investigates the roots of Reformed discipline in a place where Reformed people rarely think to look, or even cringe to consider: medieval penitential discipline.
Wisdom Through Callouses: Lessons from a Life in Woodworking
Our work shapes the world, yes. And it also shapes us. But this work is not work for its own sake. It is an attending to God through the particulars of the task at hand. Man is not homo faber; he is homo liturgicus.
Woman, Womb, and Wellspring
I cannot refuse the Church while I plead for her health: after all, in divine grace, the solution is in her, too. Yes, in her. As I point to what the Church must become in order to be, in deed and not just in word, the safest place for a woman, I will ask us to love our Mother:
Five Questions for Charles G. Kim, Jr.
Greystone Theological Institute is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Charles G. Kim, Jr. as Associate Fellow in Christian Tradition and Senior Review Editor for Greystone’s Texts and Studies series.
Jeremiah as Christian Scripture: A New Full Course Resource
In Jeremiah as Christian Scripture, Dr. Matthew Patton explores how a faithful, careful reading of Jeremiah leads to a deeper knowledge of the text, a growing devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ, and a greater love for the Church.
Is There Madness in Method: Some Rather Deranged Ramblings
We have two millennia of accumulated wisdom, biblical exegesis, and concentrated thought to guide us. While not all of it may seem fruitful, much if not most will.
Texts & Studies: Cyril of Alexandria on the Trinity
Greystone Texts & Studies is a bi-weekly Members-only series of electronic and print publications of otherwise inaccessible historic and contemporary resources for Reformed theology, worship, and edification.
Letters From a Mentor: Serving the Church
Following in the steps of Basil the Great, godly mentors give their disciples opportunities to encourage the Church and to be encouraged by other godly leaders in the Church.
Woman, Childbirth, Impurity, and Leviticus
Modern criticism has functioned for at least a century with a default reading of Leviticus which regards it as undeniable proof-positive that the Bible is part of the problem. Instead of dismissing this notion, attending to it carefully enriches our appreciation of how Leviticus is in fact part of the solution.
The Pactum Salutis and Eternal Subordination of the Son
Should one speak of the Son eternally submitting to the Father if the simplicity of God is true, which means therefore that God has one essence and one will that is identical with his essence?
On Intellectual Humility
For those relentless for retrieval, they will search in vain for humility in the works of Aristotle. Humility is for the weak minded. That’s why humility is chiefly a theological virtue. It is the great sage, Jesus Christ himself, who radically subverts the classical virtue tradition.
Just Like a Woman, But What Is a Woman?
The statutes and ordinances of the Law, the narratives, a wide range of biblical types and figures, the wisdom literature, and the New Testament Gospels and Writings all commend to us a vision of the unique theo-ontology of a woman as a kind of sacred space.