Greystone Conversations
Greystone Conversations is the podcast of Greystone Theological Institute. We invite you to join us as we explore brief Scripture and theology studies, share interviews, discuss texts old and new, and listen in on Greystone special lecture events and selections from full Greystone course modules.
The Disruptive Church (and How Greystone Is Helping the Cause)
Ep. 57
Is there a sense in which the concept and language of disruption may help the Church capture something important about her identity and nature, and how does the answer to this question inform who Greystone is and what Greystone is doing?
Jesus Christ and the Lint-Roller? Typology, Figuration, and the Form of the Son
Ep. 51
One way in which the biblical-theological work of Geerhardus Vos in the late 19th and early 20th century differed from what then and since has been called biblical theology was Vos’s commitment to the vertical dimension of history and revelation in relationship.
Constructing the Cosmos, the Woman, the Glory: Proverbs 31 Reconsidered
Ep. 50
Is there a Christian reading of Proverbs, and of Proverbs 31 in particular, that is both determined by Christ and also materially relevant, even constitutive, for personal, familial, communal, and ecclesial wisdom? Is that reading coherent with Scripture as a whole in such a way as to be prompted by it?
In Times Like These: God's Occasional Reconfiguration of His Church
Ep. 45
Does God sometimes unravel the ordinary recognizable form of the Church in times of great suffering, weakness, or judgment in order to re-weave her strands into a new form?
Enjoy God Forever? Augustine, Westminster, and the Enjoy/Use Distinction
Ep. 31
What do the Westminster Catechisms mean by speaking of our chief end as glorifying God and enjoying him forever?
Wine and Place: Terroir, Theology, And the Modern Condition
Ep. 22
What is it about wine that has for so long captivated us and which in its own way seems to put on display the very vulnerability and vitality of the human condition?
Reformed and Ritual? The Real Biblical World and Our Embrace of It
Ep. 13
We do not realize just how extensively we assume things about reality in modern and western terms until, as close readers, we run up against the very different world not only at work in Scripture but persistently commended to us in Scripture.
Reformed and Ritual? Vocation: Male and Female as Doxological
Ep. 11
In what ways does the final vision of the Church’s identity and activity at the end of Scripture in Revelation help us to understand the beginning of Scripture in Genesis in light of Leviticus?
Reformed and Ritual? Space: Home and Belonging
Ep. 10
How can the Church’s embrace of space within the biblical ritual world amount to a commitment to the visible gathered Church which proclaims the truth of belonging and home to a world struggling with a loss of place and with homesickness?
Reformed and Ritual? Time: Living with the Grain of Reality
Ep. 9
Our world is currently overwhelmed with cries for protests and resistance, and the confessional Reformed church often sits uneasily between a recognition of the place and need for certain cries of this sort and the equally important need to distance herself.
Reformed and Ritual? Why Recovering Ritual Matters
Ep. 8
How might biblical ritual ontology and theology help us clearly and consistently proclaim the gospel of the incarnate Savior and his love for his confessing, singing, eating Body?
Beneath Racism: Power, Polity, and Our Problem with Work(ers)
Ep. 3
To what world do the most thoughtful and effective responses to racism belong? Perhaps it is the world in which attacking the roots of racism can look like picking up a shovel and honoring the Lord’s Day.