Greystone Conversations
Greystone Conversations is the podcast of Greystone Theological Institute. We invite you to join us as we explore brief Scripture and theology studies, share interviews, discuss texts old and new, and listen in on Greystone special lecture events and selections from full Greystone course modules.
Reformed and Ritual? Space: Home and Belonging
Ep. 10
How can the Church’s embrace of space within the biblical ritual world amount to a commitment to the visible gathered Church which proclaims the truth of belonging and home to a world struggling with a loss of place and with homesickness?
Reformed and Ritual? Time: Living with the Grain of Reality
Ep. 9
Our world is currently overwhelmed with cries for protests and resistance, and the confessional Reformed church often sits uneasily between a recognition of the place and need for certain cries of this sort and the equally important need to distance herself.
Reformed and Ritual? Why Recovering Ritual Matters
Ep. 8
How might biblical ritual ontology and theology help us clearly and consistently proclaim the gospel of the incarnate Savior and his love for his confessing, singing, eating Body?
A More Catholic Catholicity: Christianity in Late Antiquity
Ep. 7
The problem with Roman Catholicism is that it is insufficiently catholic. The problem with Protestantism, including confessional Reformed Christianity, is that it too is often insufficiently catholic.
Window into the Christian Tradition: The Nature and Enduring Value of Lombard's Sentences
Ep. 6
Today’s Church is in great need of reimagining the nature of theological education; a reassessment of its purpose, not as merely the pursuit of a degree, but as education in the classical sense of formation.
"According to the Scriptures": Lord Jesus Christ and the Two Testaments
Ep. 5
In what way should we understand the New Testament and the Church's proclamation of Lord Jesus Christ as a proclamation that takes place according to the Scriptures?
The Old Testament as the Church's Scripture
Ep. 4
Does the Old Testament continue to function for the church as Holy Scripture, and if so, how? This is a key question for the church’s faith and life.
Beneath Racism: Power, Polity, and Our Problem with Work(ers)
Ep. 3
To what world do the most thoughtful and effective responses to racism belong? Perhaps it is the world in which attacking the roots of racism can look like picking up a shovel and honoring the Lord’s Day.
The Promises and Perils of Christian Discourse - Part 2
Ep. 2
As readers and confessors of the Apostles' Creed, we live in a fallen and sinful world of suspicion and of distrust that far too often finds expression in our inability to hear one another in a context of communal or Christian discourse.
The Promises and Perils of Christian Discourse - Part 1
Ep. 1
According to Scripture, the communicative life we have as God's image-bearers is strategically and providentially ordered to the concerns of God's law.