God the Creator in Isaiah
Isaiah 40 is about the nature of the God who can be trusted by the exiles to whom Isaiah directs his announcement of good news. He says that they can trust the LORD because he is the God of Creation and Exodus. How should Isaiah’s creation language be interpreted? Does Isaiah 40 teach creatio ex nihilo? Is Isaiah dependent on Genesis 1? Does Genesis 1:1 teach creatio ex nihilo? In this seminar, we will attempt to understand what Isaiah 40 means by his description of the LORD as the Creator.
Isaiah 40 is about the nature of the God who can be trusted by the exiles to whom Isaiah directs his announcement of good news. He says that they can trust the LORD because he is the God of Creation and Exodus. How should Isaiah’s creation language be interpreted? Does Isaiah 40 teach creatio ex nihilo? Is Isaiah dependent on Genesis 1? Does Genesis 1:1 teach creatio ex nihilo? In this seminar, we will attempt to understand what Isaiah 40 means by his description of the LORD as the Creator.
Isaiah 40 is about the nature of the God who can be trusted by the exiles to whom Isaiah directs his announcement of good news. He says that they can trust the LORD because he is the God of Creation and Exodus. How should Isaiah’s creation language be interpreted? Does Isaiah 40 teach creatio ex nihilo? Is Isaiah dependent on Genesis 1? Does Genesis 1:1 teach creatio ex nihilo? In this seminar, we will attempt to understand what Isaiah 40 means by his description of the LORD as the Creator.