
“on an age-old anvil wince and sing”
-Gerard Manley Hopkins

Wince+Sing is the official blog of Greystone Theological Institute. W+S provides biblical and theological resources for Christian scholarship, education, and devotion—all from a perspective consonant with and expressive of a comprehensive catholic and deeply Reformed, confessional Christian faith.

Mark A. Garcia, Rescuing Mary from Rome Mark A. Garcia Mark A. Garcia, Rescuing Mary from Rome Mark A. Garcia

Stepping Back From Mary to the Roman Catholic Question: Why the Remedy for Converts to Rome is a Better Reformed Church, and Perhaps a Reckoning

Reading Mary forces such questions as we endeavor to do justice not only to her, a mother of the Faith, but to the One who has written of her precisely in the ways and in the time he did, and who has called us to hear what he says well.

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