Greystone Conversations
Greystone Conversations is the podcast of Greystone Theological Institute. We invite you to join us as we explore brief Scripture and theology studies, share interviews, discuss texts old and new, and listen in on Greystone special lecture events and selections from full Greystone course modules.
Church, Baptism, and Faith in the Reformed Tradition
Ep. 29
Do Reformed Christians believe in baptismal regeneration? How do Reformed Christians classically relate baptism to the church and to faith?
Mary, the Old Testament, and the Roman Catholic "Leap"
Ep. 28
It is that time of year when many evangelicals and protestants have Mary very much on the mind, and so we thought it would be a good time to explore Mary and the Old Testament together.
The Septuagint as Biblical Commentary - Part 2
Ep. 27
How should we understand the relationship of the Septuagint to what we traditionally mean by Holy Scripture?
The Septuagint as Biblical Commentary - Part 1
Ep. 26
What difference might it make to our relationship to the Septuagint if we saw it not only as a translation of the Hebrew OT into Greek and as a translation often used in the NT, but as the first true commentary on the Hebrew Old Testament?
Agreeing on Justification? Rome, Protestants, and Regensburg
Ep. 25
Imagine that leading Roman Catholic and Protestant theologians sit down at a table to discuss justification by faith. And imagine that those Protestants are not nominal liberals but are among the most celebrated, reliable, trustworthy, and representative theologians in history.
Restoring the Church's Glory to Reformed Theology
Ep. 24
What difference might it make to reformed systematic theology if we were to recover and deploy the fundamental importance of the Trinity, the incarnation, the ascension, and especially the church, rather than expend all our energy only on the certainly indispensable doctrines of justification by faith alone, epistemology and revelation, theological method, the cross, and the atonement?
The Repentance of the True Israel and the End of Exile
Ep. 23
Can we speak properly of the repentance of Jesus Christ, the One whom the Scriptures say knew no sin nor was deceit ever found in his mouth? Can we hope in him as the faithful Israel of God without doing so?
Wine and Place: Terroir, Theology, And the Modern Condition
Ep. 22
What is it about wine that has for so long captivated us and which in its own way seems to put on display the very vulnerability and vitality of the human condition?
The Christian and Technology Criticism: A Complex Yet Urgent Task
Ep. 21
Our ethical relationship to technology is not exhausted by the familiar issues of too much screen time, pornography, or the vulnerabilities of social media. Neither is it as simple as using or not using this or that technology.
Let My People Go: Divorce, Domestic Violence, Biblical Law, and the Identity of God
Ep. 20
What does the exodus event have to do with contemporary concerns with divorce, domestic violence, biblical law, and the identity of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob--the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ?
Anselm on the Fullness of Joy
Ep. 19
An often and routinely overlooked part of Anselm's genius was his expression of the fervency and final satisfaction of our desire—our holiest desires—and the consequent shape, dynamic, and nature of perfected love.
The Christ of Reformed Catholicity
Ep. 18
What does the Sacramental table have to do with the confession of Lord Jesus Christ, and the Reformed catholicity?
Paul Against the Idols: The Areopagus Speech and the Church's Witness to Christ
Ep. 17
Is Paul's famous Areopagus speech in Acts 17 a model for the Church's engagement with other religions? How so, or how not?
Teaching to Read the Old Testament as Scripture
Ep. 16
With a view to recent developments in Old Testament studies, today’s Greystone Conversations episode reflects on what difference those developments should have on what’s happening in the seminary and Bible college classroom.
The Perfectly Happy God: Beatitude as a Divine Perfection
Ep. 15
Do we struggle against a downward tug when contemplating God’s perfect happiness or beatitude? Does it seem too human to speak of God as perfectly happy?
Hodge and Warfield on Evolution
Ep. 14
Evolution. Our reaction to this word may reflect the legacy of one or the other of two orthodox Reformed perspectives on what it is and how we approach it.
Reformed and Ritual? The Real Biblical World and Our Embrace of It
Ep. 13
We do not realize just how extensively we assume things about reality in modern and western terms until, as close readers, we run up against the very different world not only at work in Scripture but persistently commended to us in Scripture.
Tart Wine: Reflections on George Herbert's "The Bunch of Grapes"
Ep. 12
George Herbert’s poem, The Bunch of Grapes, unites us as Christians vulnerable to griping to the Christ in whose faithfulness the crushed grapes of judgment yield the rich wine of blessing and joy.
Reformed and Ritual? Vocation: Male and Female as Doxological
Ep. 11
In what ways does the final vision of the Church’s identity and activity at the end of Scripture in Revelation help us to understand the beginning of Scripture in Genesis in light of Leviticus?
Reformed and Ritual? Space: Home and Belonging
Ep. 10
How can the Church’s embrace of space within the biblical ritual world amount to a commitment to the visible gathered Church which proclaims the truth of belonging and home to a world struggling with a loss of place and with homesickness?